life can be beautiful

a look into my thoughts on love and life in general, but mostly love :)


sex with the ex

It happenend... After all the thinking and analysing that I've been going through, I actually did it. Its strange, because for the last few months I haven't seen him (except once, briefly) and our corrospondance had only been through text messages. This night I was surprised to see him. But once I did I had no second thoughts. He gave me a hug hello, something he isnt accustomed to doing, and we chatted for a while without even mentioning sex. It was later on in the night when he asked me if i wanted to leave with him.

So we left together, and the rest is history i guess... Things were really intense, not at all awkward as I had imagined/worried that they would be.

I dont feel like I've done the wrong thing... And surprisingly I haven't felt any regrets... But i have thought about him a little more than normal. Well, not so much thinking about him, so much as thinking about the situation.

I keep thinking about how easy it was for me to pretty much forget about all the bad stuff that has happened in our past. Should it have been that easy?

Is sex with the ex a smart idea?

Am i getting myself in too deep here?

I know that this could be a lot of fun, and I know that I can do it without getting too emotionally involved (at this stage anyway). but Im not sure if he just meant for it to be a one time thing and thats it... or maybe he was dissapointed and doesnt want it to happen again...? Maybe he regrets his actions... Isnt that what I'm supposed to feel... regret?